GIS Internship Blog Post 1

For this course, I will be completing a GIS internship with the Florida Public Archaeology Network. I will be creating a Storymap or web map for a website redesign. It will include cemeteries, historic buildings and districts, archaeology sites, museums, the maritime archaeology trail, and other locations in Escambia county. Expanding it to include other counties as needed and time allows. It would be accessed by the public, local community, and FPAN staff for planning and outreach. I have started background /planning research to determine what kind of format I want the map to be in. 

I looked around for a good user group in Ohio for a while because that is where I will probably be moving back to after I finish my MA. Though, I was unable to find any active ones I was interested in. Instead, I chose the user group GIS and Archaeology on Linkedin As the name suggests, this is an archaeology focused GIS user group. It is a digital user group so there are people from all over the US and possibly internationally. There are no formal membership requirements. They only ask you to keep discussions related to archaeological applications of GIS and no advertising. I want to join this group because I am getting my MA in historical archaeology along with my graduate GIS certificate.

