This module introduced different methods of data classification. We used common methods of classification for choropleth mapping (equal interval, quantile, standard deviation, and natural breaks). I used 2010 census data from FGDL to map the senior citizen population distribution in Miami Dade County, Florida.
The equal interval method equally divides the total data range into five classes. This makes classes
with equal ranges. For this
data set, equal interval groups all counties with a
65+ population of 15.83% or less into one class. The majority of census tracts
fall into this class. Equal interval conceals the variation in lower values.
Second, the quantile method creates classes with an equal number of observations. The quantile method presents the variation in the data set’s lower values better than the equal interval. However, the highest class contains values from 19.94%-79.17%. This is the opposite issue of equal interval, concealing patterns in the higher range.
Second, the quantile method creates classes with an equal number of observations. The quantile method presents the variation in the data set’s lower values better than the equal interval. However, the highest class contains values from 19.94%-79.17%. This is the opposite issue of equal interval, concealing patterns in the higher range.
Third, the standard deviation classification method divides
equal classes based on the standard deviation. The data is presented pretty
well here. It shows the variation in the range of values well. A user needs
knowledge of statistics for this data presentation to make sense.
Fourth, the natural break method uses algorithms
are used in this method to create classes. This minimizes differences within classes and
increases the difference
between them. I think this method shows the pattern pretty well. There is a
large range of values (29.85%-79.17%) in the highest class.
The best method to
display the data for an audience looking to target the senior citizen
population would be the equal interval classification method. This is because
three of the five classes are displaying tracts with more than 31.67% senior
population. This gives the audience a more detailed breakdown of the higher
percentages than other classification methods. They can then specifically
target tracts with a senior citizen population they want.
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